Oly Sport

Oly Sport Review & Bonus Offer

Start at Oly Sport, online horse racing game platform using NFTs. buy, breed, and race virtual horses, win prizes and bonuses.
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/ 5
5.0 rating based on 1 rating
Deposit with
  • $OLY
  • ETH
  • Bitcoin
  • Metamask
  • NFT Horse Market place
  • NFT Horse Breeding
  • Esport Racing
  • Decentralized network
Products Available
  • Horse Racing
  • NFT Marketplace
  • Breeding
  • Investing

Oly Sport NFT Horse Racing Review

Oly Sport makes it possible for players and investors to invest in digital land based on real estate via NFT marketplaces solving the problem of token devaluation. Oly Sport unites the world through its metaverse and has managed to bring together a community of people worldwide with different ethnic, religious, and economic backgrounds. Anyone can participate in the game regardless of how much money and time they invest which is impossible to do in real horse racing.

Oly Sport Welcome Bonus

What is Oly Sport?

Oly Sport is an online horse racing platform that uses non-fungible tokens. The players can buy, breed, and race digital horses represented by NFTs (non-fungible tokens). Players earn prizes such as real money thanks to the power of the blockchain.

What is $Oly?

$OLY is the native token of the Oly Sport platform. Every transaction is carried out via $OLY such as buying horses, stables, rewards, etc.

What can you do on Oly Sport?

Oly Sport has a unique NFT game genre making it different from other NFT horse racing platforms. Rather than the play-to-earn model, Oly Sport has a race-to-earn model. Players participate in various activities like raising horses, horse breeding, upgrading barns, and preparing horses for races. The players will also participate in Esport races.

Oly Sport lacks a gambling feature since it is not legally, ethnically, and culturally accepted in many countries. The main vision of Oly Sport is uniting the world with its metaverse despite the economic class, ethnicity, or play style.

Oly Sport NFT Horses Betting

NFT horses in Oly Sport are very unique just like real horses. You can get an NFT horse via buying in the marketplace like Binance NFT or breeding them.

Oly Sport Review


A unique foal is created by breeding a male and a female horse. The stats of new horses are downgraded from their parents. The top in the chain is Genesis horses. The foal goes to the mother’s owner and tokens are awarded to the father.

Male horses can breed three times per month while female horses can breed once per month.


A dynamic algorithm determines the outcome of each race ensuring that the races are unpredictable, fair, and exciting. Engaging your horse in more races increases its probability of winning in the future. Every race has 12 horses. The participants are selected based on their ELO rating which must be the same for fairness’ sake. Winners receive token rewards based on the tournament and race.

NFT horse marketplace

Valuable assets are traded in the NFT marketplace on the Oly Sport platform. You can get a purebred or crossbred horse by buying directly, in-game exchanges, or auctions.


You can own racecourses and virtual horse farms. In-game land value is similar to the linked real-world land value. If there is a drop in the in-game token the real world land value is expected to rise. Players can be shareholders of racecourses and earn passive income.

Oly Sport Advantages

  • Makes virtual assets accessible to anyone like virtual land which is backed by real-life real estate regulations.
  • Does not allow gambling since it is illegal in many countries and also makes the game accessible to everyone.
  • Buying and owning NFT horses at Oly Sport NFT horse racing metaverse and land is done through the $Oly token. Transactions are fast at very low fees.
  • The platform is decentralized, transparent, fair, private, and safe.
  • Players have many ways of making a profit in Oly Sport like racing, trading, breeding horses, investing, and many more.

In summary, Oly Sport attracts attention from the global NFT gaming community due to its unique property ownership model. Players can confidently invest and own virtual land based on real-life racetracks and farmlands which is something no NFT game has ever done.